Tuesday, November 18, 2008

I was in Singapore

I was in Changi. It's a huge huge airport I've ever seen (norak ya?). When I arrived there I straight to enjoy for free facility using internet ( coba internet beneran;INdomie TEloR korNET, whuuuaaah bisa nambah 2x..:-))
As you see in the picture, Singapore is amazing country with its uniquely. Singapore really concerned with kinds of culture in melting bowl. There are Malay, Chinese, Indian living in a harmony. With Merlion as my background, we can see high buildings around but the sky are still blue. Singapore is trying to present a modern life among the trees.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So,, What do U think about it???

And what is Ur hope???

Oya, I wanna say to MERRY CHRISTMAS...